Warehouse management using Quadrotors

Image credit: IMAVS
  1. Developed a algorithm for autonomous warehouse inventory management using UAVs for the 11th International Micro Aerial Vehicles competition and conference(IMAV-2019).
  2. Devised a traversal algorithm using coloured frames for localisation, for performing the complete inventory in minimum time on a DJI-Tello microdrone.
  3. Developed the OCR tools for accurate detection of alphanumeric codes using google’s Tesseract library and QR-codes using Zbar library for inventory management of boxes in a warehouse.

    Won the IMAV-2019 Indoor Competition! :)
Debjoy Saha
Debjoy Saha
B.Tech Student

B.tech stduent interested in Multimodal Machine Learning and Speech, Language and Image Processing
